Online shopping heaven located ! Miss Selfridge
I was just browsing online as you do and I stumbles on Miss Selfridge.
I've never heard of them before but after checking out the site. I am totally won over.
With free shipping and the range of products are extensive.
Think quality fashion goods on a budget and I don't mean crap from SES or vallygirl or temp which only last a few wears ( I still love you SES and vallygirl don't get offended )
Just looking at the sale items and I wanted to buy everything . It's so well priced.
Here's are selection that i love just from the sale items page and at around £12 (about 20 AUD) -£ 25.
It's like I landed in mini heaven, this site made my day for sure.
Here's are selection from there sale which are wonderful. Plus the style they hold you don't see in Sydney at all which make you one of the first to be walking around in them. How much I hate to wear the same top as someone else on the same day , especially if your are at work or at UNi. 。・°°・(>_<)・°°・。
Check out the non sales items too there was just such a great range , why no one ever told me about this brand !(。-_-。)