masacar removal with ease at $2.80??
I love shopping and love trying new thing ..
Ever find make up wipes and removal products don't always get rid of your mascara and you finish cleaning your face and realized after your shower , you have know become a trashy panda ??
I have the perfect solution for u ;)
It's a Japanese mascara removal solution ;) which can be brought at Diaso . $2.80Aud or 100¥ in Japan.
Ok , as usual with Asian brand lol they have very interesting names, this one calls itself "mascara repair" umm.. Not really telling your what it is used for in English .
What this product dose is remove mascara.
All you do is apply a thin layer over your mascara and it loosen it from your lashes which makes it easy to remove. This save you from loosing those precious lashes with the tug and pull of the wipes or cotton pads.
The bonus of this product is it doubles to be used to save your beloved normal mascara .
When it's all dry up. Just pop the applicator in to the solution and jam some into your beloved mascara and it will loosen it up.
It's a great double use for the product , but my advice would be just to get a new one. Com'on my beauties if it's all dry up, that means it time to get a new one or you have completed the ultimate sin with your mascara and tried to get more coverage on your applicator but you push a lot of air into the tube.