Chanel rain boots,
It's not even winter in Sydney and the rain has not stop coming down.
Best rainboots for 2012 winter Sydney
I'm sure like me commuting in the rains has been a total pain as there is a poor shoes that fall victim every day . Turning a wet and if you where unlucky and was wearing suede u can kiss those beautiful shoes good bye!!
Personally have Ben trying to find a good pair of rain boots which is wearable to work and dose not make you look like a total idiot !
Seriously the ones around ate all floral and patterned which is great and cute for that weekend but for the office it's just wrong.
The best rainboots around which will solve the problem .....?
Rain boots are just rain rubber boots however if you are waiting to make the, a fashion statement and not just pops going out gardening you have to spend a bite of cash in buying a good braded Pair.
Target rainboots
However there are exceptions.
I found the following pair at and tthey were pretty good. This can be pulled off with the work skirt . At about 20AUD , this is totally awesome.
Hunter rainboots
Other good choce which wont totally brake the bank would be a pair of Hunters.
Alright they not the cheapest thing compared to the 10buck rainboots you can get but with this boot you know you at getting quality. And the rubber that is used will last you a long time. So it really makes up in the life of wear you get from them.
The come in a lot of clorox and designed with its popularity they have come out in a nice quilted version which looks amazing .
if you are only thinking of getting one as a quick fix that 10-30buck you can find a pretty decent pair.
Chanel rain boots
My all time fav boots
They just looks to bloody amazing ! With the flowers on the side it really gives the boots something. Personally it just brightens my day seeing these boots
It may not be 100% office wear but I would still try to pull it off
Come'on it's Chanel lol hehehe. Love love love
Vividness Westwood and Melissa boots
Although these boot may not be marketed as rain-boot but Melissa shoes are knows for its rubber . I'm serious , it's rubber.
Melissa is a well knows Australian designer who loves to make all her shoes out of rubber which she makes smell like bubble gum.
I personally own a few pairs and I totally love them. She collaborates with a lot of different designers to crate a wide range of shoese.
This little boot with Vivian Westwood is so cute. Even thought its not really work martial I just had to add it in as an option.
All her shoes totally water proof lol so they double as rain shoese .